

Apr 17

The Friendliest Neighborhood, Friendly Hill

As a 30 year Resident of Friendly Hills and the current President of the Friendly Hills Property Owners Association, I am pleased to comment on behalf of the great place I call Home.

Situated amongst the Hills sits just over 1,400 premium homes known as Friendly Hills. Homes range in price from approximately $800,000 to over $6,000,000. The majority of the homes offer views and range in size from 1,500 sq. ft. to over 20,000 sq. ft. Friendly Hills offers peace and quiet from the freeways but allows us to reach just about any of our freeway systems in just over 10 minutes.

Friendly Hills Whittier is on a comeback and we are currently experiencing many new shopping centers, one at the base of the residency area comprising just over 8 acres, home of Orchards Home Goods, Ulta, Sketchers, and Home Goods. As I write this, only Orchards has opened thus far. Located just 3 miles to the west is Historic Uptown when you can enjoy walking shop to shop.

Whittier and specifically Friendly Hills is a great place to reside and I am happy to live here.

Contributed by: Allan Nakken