
Architectural Committee –
The Architectural Committees’ responsibility is to work with homeowners who would like to do improvements to their homes. By proactively working together with residents and the City, the committee can make certain that improvements fall within the association’s CC&R’s and that your contractors and/or architects receive the correct and necessary information. If your are considering improvements, contact the Architectural Committee to ensure a smooth process.

Member Services
The key to a great association is to have a plentiful and active membership. Membership dues are $45 per calendar year. If you would like to become a FHPOA member, have noticed a new neighbor moving in, or would like to know more about FHPOA please contact us via the website or send  membership dues to FHPOA at Post Office Box 1018, Whittier, CA 90609.

Through our “Friendly Hiller” we keep residents informed and up-to-date on the latest news in Friendly Hills and Whittier as a whole. The Friendly Hiller and our website at our two just of the ways that your FHPOA Board provides important information and service to our residents. If you would like to contribute an article or assist our Newsletter team, please contact us via the website.

Beautification – Juan Castro
The FHPOA feels it’s important to recognize residents who go above and beyond beautifying our neighborhoods by making improvements to their property. Whether it’s landscaping or remodeling, we love to award deserving residents with quarterly Beautification Awards. If you have a neighbor to nominate or are aware of homes that have issues and maybe need a little help in improving their residence, please contact Juan Castro at (562) 505-5818 or

 – Lou Grimaldi
We also like to support the local businesses here in Whittier that advertise with us. If you are interested in advertising in our quarterly Friendly Hiller or on our website, would like to receive our quarterly newsletter, or would like to assist our Marketing team please contact Lou Grimaldi at (562) 923-7791 or

Social Events – Eric Vealitzek, John Espiro
Our Social Events committee is focusing efforts on planning resident events to provide for fun, entertainment, and opportunities to get to know your neighbors.