

Jan 10

Whittier Coyote Petition

(Open letter from a Whittier citicen to do a coyote petition in Whittier)

Dear Friend,

As many of you know, we lost our sweet little dog, Maddie to a vicious coyote about a year and a half ago.  The rise of coyote attacks on our pets since then has been staggering.   I have been trying to educate the Whittier City Council on this issue, but could use your help. 

I have attached a petition for you to view –

 “Whittier City Council: Control the Coyotes and Save Our Pets!”, and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.

My goal is to reach 2000 signatures and I need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:


You can also help by sending this to your Whittier friends or posting it in your Facebook page.

Thanks, I truly appreciate your support!
