We are having a busy Summer at the Association and this seems like a great point in time to provide our Residents with an update:
As you may recall we discontinued our hard copy Newsletter just over a year ago and tried to make our communication exclusively through our Friendly Hills Website. Unfortunately with our diverse residential base we found that many of our Senior Residents were not going online very often. Recently your Board voted to once again recreate our Hard Copy Newsletter. We Have partnered with Mr. Tim Traeger the past Editor of the Whittier Daily News to again start Our Newsletter in hopes to have a September Newsletter ready to go.
As most of you know the Board Ford land is being developed as we speak and the shell for the Orchards Hardware is now up. You may recall that we had a Friendly Hills Monument Sign on the North/West corner of the property and hopefully we will be moving our sign across the street and North to allow full view of the sign coming North of La Serna; once moved we plan to add Solar lighting to enhance the Sign.
Burglaries have become a big topic of discussion in Friendly Hills in the recent weeks since most of us experienced the red light and sirens going up La Alba at what look like full speed. The following day I contacted Mayor Joe Vinatieri and Jeff Piper our Chief of Police to set a meeting to update our Residents on crime statistics and safety. The meeting will be held on Thursday night Sept 1st at the Whittier Area Community Church beginning at 7:00 p.m.. I hope to see all of you there.
On a closing note, due to our drought the conditions our properties look sad. I want to remind all residents that we were not asked to stop watering our lawns but to cut back. Please evaluate your front yards and re consider watering at least twice a week. Property values are dramatically impacted by yard conditions.
I look forward to seeing you all at W.A.C.C. on September 1st.

W. Allan Nakken
Friendly Hills Property
Owners Association
Friendly Hills Property
Owners Association