Welcome to Friendly Hills

The Best of Whittier

Q & A

Q: Is Friendly Hills Property Owner Association mandatory membership?

A: No. Friendly Hills Property Owner Association is a volunteer organization. The cost is only $50 a year and we are around 1,400 homes in Friendly Hills.

Q: I am selling/buying a property in Friendly Hills and need info regarding HOA

A: Regarding the CC&R’s. The right place to get this information is with a local Title Company. We don’t provide this.

Remember we are a volunteer organization. You find our by-laws here: http://friendlyhillspoa.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/FHPOA_BI-LAWS.pdf

Here is a map of the Fiendly Hills homes: http://friendlyhillspoa.com/friendly-hills-map/

No transfer fee to us. One payment of $50 per year … anytime that year but preferably closer to the beginning of the year than the end of the year. The simple principle behind the association is that we are stronger together than alone to have an influence in the city halls and towards keeping the value of the homes increasing.

Q: What are the By-Laws for Friendly Hills Property Owner Association

A: Our By-Laws are for download on our website here: http://friendlyhillspoa.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/FHPOA_BI-LAWS.pdf

Q: What are the rules for placing solar panels on my roof?

A: Friendly Hills Property Owner Association does not have any guidelines here. The Solar Panel installer will typically look for a location with the most sun. You need though to have the propper permission from the City of Whittier’s Building & Safety Department. A good place to start are these two documents:  http://www.cityofwhittier.org/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobID=7458

Q: I see neighbors not watering their front yards at all

The lack of proper yard maintenance is a normal code enforcement matter that we deal with. Property owners are expected to maintain their properties, including watering their landscapes. We are no longer in mandatory drought conditions as the Governor has lifted the drought order. As such we are no longer under the prior watering restrictions (max. 3 days/week). However, residents are encouraged to continue conserving water where possible – but that does not mean that it is appropriate to leave their lawns and shrubs unwatered.

I would encourage residents to forward property maintenance issues such as these to our Code Enforcement staff by calling (562) 567-9190 or by emailing us at WHCodeEnforce@cityofwhittier.orgor reporting through our Whittier 24/7 phone app.

Brian Saeki

City Manager
13230 Penn Street, Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 567-9300

Q: I need to contact Friendly Hills Estates HOA

There is another organization with a name similar to ours, but is NOT affiliated with us (Friendly Hills Property Owner Association). On occasion we are asked about their contact information. Here is that:

Friendly Hills Estates HOA
c/o Lordon Management
1275 Center Court Dr. Covina, CA 91724

(626) 967-7921